TEST anime, cool banners! XD

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icon12  view post Posted on 20/1/2008, 16:14

metto dei link carini con rispettivi miei score! XD

You are...DARK. Yes you know, gothic-punk kinda style. Go you! =P ( I hope at least you're not a wannabe)
Take this quiz!

a quest'altro sono uscitaLina!!! XD

view post Posted on 20/1/2008, 16:55


a questo io sono inuyasha!!! XD

Take this quiz!

You are INUYASHA, you can be ignorant at times and also a softy. You have incredible strength. You are an enemy to others and some a very good friend!
Take this quiz!

view post Posted on 20/1/2008, 18:44

Waaah! You're so LOVABLE! Everybody likes you, because you're a great person to have around and it's always happy about everything ^^. congrats! and...can I hug you?? plz! ^///^

view post Posted on 20/1/2008, 19:02

hem...ma qual'era dei tanti?!?! :???:
view post Posted on 20/1/2008, 21:19

io sono angelical(dovrebbe essere il primo test)...:You are ANGELICAL. You are nice to everybody, because you know they will be nice to you too. You are the kind of person that helps everyone and sometimes gets its heart broken...but you get over it. Look, I've baked some cookies for you! ^/////^ <3<3<3

all'altro sono: Ryoko in the series Tenchi (40-49 points):

You are strong, mischievous, and a little vain. You have no problems with taking revenge or fighting when you are threatened, or with playing jokes on friends. You do however have a soft spot that not many have the opportunity to see.
view post Posted on 20/1/2008, 21:26

ah! ma nn c'erano le imma?!?! volevo vederle!! XD
view post Posted on 20/1/2008, 21:27

You are INUYASHA, you can be ignorant at times and also a softy. You have incredible strength. You are an enemy to others and some a very good friend!
view post Posted on 20/1/2008, 21:30

ahahah! come me!!! XD č proprio veroo!! hai visto quello di nana?!?! č nel topic nana! XD
view post Posted on 21/1/2008, 22:25

Visto che rinunciare a te mi č impossibile...ho preso la mia decisione. Il senso comune...la morale...sono deciso a calpestare tutto solo per te!!!

dal mio mio mondo delle meraviglie *_*


Allora nel primo...
Waaah! You're so LOVABLE! Everybody likes you, because you're a great person to have around and it's always happy about everything ^^. congrats! and...can I hug you?? plz! ^///^
Take this quiz!

Nel secondo...
You are most like:
Zelgadis Greywards

Your quiet demeanor is something that tends to make others think of you as a loner, but you have your reasons for being such. You're realistic and don't hold impossible dreams, but you do try for your goal with all your heart.

Nel terzo...
You have a personality similar to the character Kenshin in the series Rurouni Kenshin:
You have a strong sense of justice and loyalty. You will fight to defend yourself and those you love. You tend to be a bit hard on yourself at times.

Nel quarto...

Take this <a target="quizilla" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" href="http://quizilla.com/redirect.php?statsid=17&url=http://www.quizilla.com/users/Icedragon04/quizzes/Rayearth+Personality+Test">quiz</a
view post Posted on 22/1/2008, 11:50

forteee!!! ah, belli quei banners vero?!?!
lotus in dream
view post Posted on 5/2/2008, 15:58

nel primo sono LOVABLE
ma quante risposte ci sono nel secondo???comunque la prima opzioen che mi dą č REZO:You are the quite leader who seeks answers. Whether this be as a professor, or as a scholar, you quest for more knowlege, but this can often become a dangerous path if you get too passionate about it. You tend to make dilusions in order to convince yourself something is right, when it may not be.
nel 3 sono kenshin:ou have a strong sense of justice and loyalty. You will fight to defend yourself and those you love. You tend to be a bit hard on yourself at times
nel 4sono

nel 5 sono kagome:You are KAGOME, your nice, sweet and a little emotional at times. You have many friends but some you have to lie to. Your like a mother to Shippo and a very good friend to everyone else!
view post Posted on 26/2/2008, 16:20

allora...io avevo fatto solo il primo,questo č il secondo:
You are most like:
Zelgadis Greywards

Your quiet demeanor is something that tends to make others think of you as a loner, but you have your reasons for being such. You're realistic and don't hold impossible dreams, but you do try for your goal with all your heart.

il terzo:
You have a personality similar to the character Ryoko in the series Tenchi (40-49 points):

You are strong, mischievous, and a little vain. You have no problems with taking revenge or fighting when you are threatened, or with playing jokes on friends. You do however have a soft spot that not many have the opportunity to see.

ma perchč nn ci prendono mai??

al quarto sono umi
al quinto:
You are KAGOME, your nice, sweet and a little emotional at times. You have many friends but some you have to lie to. Your like a mother to Shippo and a very good friend to everyone else!
11 replies since 20/1/2008, 16:03   379 views